Much has happened since the last post. Although it seems incredible, the line has now been traced back to King Robert I of Scotland, who is also an ancestor of the current Queen, Elizabeth II. Because there has been exhaustive research on her line we now have a continuous line back through the Normans (norsemen), the Viking sagas, back to Agamemnon, king of Troy and the seige of Troy (1183BC). There is a website that traces the line back from him to biblical Abraham, whereupon the biblical lineage of Abraham takes us back to Biblical Adam.
An obvious note of caution should be sounded here and that is that although we are all descended from biblical or, if you prefer, "scientific Adam", one in every ten people don't have the biological father they think they have, so tracing back through scores of generations is clearly just a bit of fun and any such lineage will be full of errors of fact. In addition to that, this is clearly only one track back and if we do the maths we can see that going back only to 1200AD involves more than 20 generations and at the generation that was alive in 1200AD, and from which we descend, consisted of more than 3 million people. This is more than the population of England at that time, although we, of necessity, have descended from many of those by multiple routes, which would reduce that number. I gave up entering names into my tree at 1183BC.
Labels: The tree now goes back to Adam